Category: Sociopolitical Commentary

  • Eric Swalwell, Busted

    Sortor was on Tim Pool’s show last night talking about this. This is maybe the largest unforced error we’ve seen so far from Swalwell, and he’s had some dillies: Passing gas during a live television appearance. Veiled threats about using nukes against Americans who rebelled against the government. Fabricating evidence in the second Trump impeachment…

  • Trump is Going to Cancel the Minting of Pennies. Awesome!

    I’ve thought we should get rid of pennies for like 30 years, but I never thought anyone would do it. And that was before I knew that it cost almost the cents to mint every penny. This article (and Trump’s statement simply says that the cost is “more than 2 cents” to mint a penny,…

  • Delaware’s Government Ruined by the Actions of a Single, Girl Boss, Activist, Judge

    The consequences of a single questionable decision by a single judge is essentially going to ruin Delaware’s economy. I knew that a judge had blocked Elon Musk’s pay package from Tesla even though the share holders voted on it beforehand. It was blocked based on a law firm finding a shareholder with nine shares (out…

  • Have I Mentioned That I Love the Babylon Bee, Lately? WordPress is unable to embed this link. I wonder if the software genuinely can’t do it, or if there’s something in the code that prevents embedded links to the Bee. When I hear someone call use the word “fascist” or “Nazi” or something along those lines to describe people like Trump or Musk, I…

  • Climate Science

    Climate science is an interesting topic. It’s extremely in-depth, people get very passionate about it. The biggest problem I have with it is that the people who are the most passionate, the most convinced that there is a problem, 1) Claim that the science is settled while more information floods in and 2) don’t even…