Category: Culture & Related Trivia

  • Delaware’s Government Ruined by the Actions of a Single, Girl Boss, Activist, Judge

    The consequences of a single questionable decision by a single judge is essentially going to ruin Delaware’s economy. I knew that a judge had blocked Elon Musk’s pay package from Tesla even though the share holders voted on it beforehand. It was blocked based on a law firm finding a shareholder with nine shares (out…

  • Luke Skywalker, Pinnacle Jedi-ness?

    This is an interesting character sketch of Luke Skywalker. I haven’t really taken to much of the Star Wars material that has come out lately. I loved the movies as a child. Then there were some books. The original trilogy from Timothy Zahn – which was the origin of some fantastic characters like Grand Admiral…

  • Triumphant Return

    The new Triumph Spitfires look pretty cool. I guess they’ve had 45 years to work on the design since they stopped making them so if it didn’t look good, it’d be pretty shameful. I’m not going to post any links or photos. They’re easy to find and I don’t want to pick an example.

  • Breaking the World Record for the Largest Lego Star Wars Army?

    This is interesting to watch just to see the sheer volume of the boxes, the pieces and the assembled minifigures. We’ve all seen displays where the same box was repeated several times – on the stores at shelves. But this is a whole different scale. I think my favorite part is the very end where…

  • Twenty-Five Extremely Impressive Lego Builds

    When I first saw some of the new shapes Lego was making, I kind of felt like it was cheating. When I was a kid, I didn’t have to walk to school, 37 miles, barefoot, through the snow, uphill, both ways, as the joke goes (or did, before it was beaten to death, but that’s…

  • Panavision The Babe Strike Back

    Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, Chewbacca as, um, babes. Oh, and Darla Vader. Watch it.

  • The Phantom Menace in the Style of 1950s Panavision.

    A couple of weeks ago, I came across a trailer for Star Wars done in this style. As seems fitting, it was a bit better than the trailer for the Phantom Menace, but this one is still pretty amusing. They nailed the stylings.

  • Omni-Directional Bike

    Just one of those unusual things I found that I wanted to share with the world. To be fair, it’s a pretty impressive idea and feat of engineering. Watching this has made me think, once again, that I need a 3D printer. I saw something about some of the newer models which print inside a…

  • Nanites?

    Really interesting things being done by very small robots working together, but I can’t help but think of nanites from Star Trek TNG and the swarm from the book Prey by Michael Crichton. This video is about 2 minutes, 40 seconds long. I think it’s worth the watch. It’s one of those if you try…

  • 60 Seconds of Magic

    After the guy finishes, he says it has to be worth a like and a share, and I agree with him. It’s 60 seconds well-spent.