Category: Blog
Menu on Home Page Problem Fixed
8:06 P.M. I’ve been taking care of other things since I fixed the problem that kept the Blog link on the menu from loading the blog entries earlier. I came back, sat down, and realized that the navigation menu was at the bottom of the page on the home page and on the page template….
Navigation Problem Fixed
Until 3:50 P.M. on February 27, there was a problem with the navigation menu link for Blog to sort and display only the blog posts. I didn’t actually even realize there was a problem. I’m kind of old school with web development. I always created web pages on Windows computers using notepad. I took pride…
Keyless Entry, Bon Fires, VAX Mainframes & My Life History
In early January, I lost the only set of keys I had, including the fob, for the truck. I looked everywhere for two days and couldn’t find them. Ironically, I’d bought an off-brand AirTag for the keys at Dollar General a few weeks before, but when I checked the FindMy app on my iPhone, I…
The Succulent Pseudo-Green House Experiment:
I have a patch of mixed succulents next to the steps out front that has been there for three years now – this is the third winter it’s survived. The first winter, most of it was killed off and I had to replace it. The second winter, I took samples of each type of succulent…