Category: Blog

  • Restoring my Family’s House

    I don’t have time to work on this today, but it popped into my head and I wanted to check on it before I forgot. My family started to research this a couple of decades ago, but didn’t get too far. It occurred to me that search engines have improved dramatically in that time, and…

  • I Didn’t Know Kudzu Was Edible and so Versatile

    This is my third version of this post and I’m determined to make it the most succinct of the three. Considering the breathtaking scope of the tangents I was embarking upon (or possibly digressing into), that shouldn’t be hard. What I find compelling about this video is that Kudzu is all over the place. It…

  • Menu on Home Page Problem Fixed

    8:06 P.M. I’ve been taking care of other things since I fixed the problem that kept the Blog link on the menu from loading the blog entries earlier. I came back, sat down, and realized that the navigation menu was at the bottom of the page on the home page and on the page template….

  • Navigation Problem Fixed

    Until 3:50 P.M. on February 27, there was a problem with the navigation menu link for Blog to sort and display only the blog posts. I didn’t actually even realize there was a problem. I’m kind of old school with web development. I always created web pages on Windows computers using notepad. I took pride…

  • Keyless Entry, Bon Fires, VAX Mainframes & My Life History

    In early January, I lost the only set of keys I had, including the fob, for the truck. I looked everywhere for two days and couldn’t find them. Ironically, I’d bought an off-brand AirTag for the keys at Dollar General a few weeks before, but when I checked the FindMy app on my iPhone, I…

  • The Succulent Pseudo-Green House Experiment:

    I have a patch of mixed succulents next to the steps out front that has been there for three years now – this is the third winter it’s survived. The first winter, most of it was killed off and I had to replace it. The second winter, I took samples of each type of succulent…

  • The Kind of a Song That Makes me Want to Pray Just to Thank God for Making a Universe Full of Beautiful Things

    I have no idea where I heard this song originally, but I was hearing the rhythm to it in my head all day yesterday. I could hear the tones of the female vocals, but I just could not get what she was actually saying. Without something solid like that, I hadn’t a prayer of finding…

  • More Like Welcome to the Well-Maintained Park

    Some cover band covered the entirety of the first Guns and Roses album in the style of 1950s “rock and roll”. It’s…. different. It’s not quite as kitschy version of “Welcome to the Jungle” the band was playing in the bar in the movie “Swingers”, but it’s definitely different. It’s a little less “Welcome to…

  • Triumphant Return

    The new Triumph Spitfires look pretty cool. I guess they’ve had 45 years to work on the design since they stopped making them so if it didn’t look good, it’d be pretty shameful. I’m not going to post any links or photos. They’re easy to find and I don’t want to pick an example.

  • Twenty-Five Extremely Impressive Lego Builds

    When I first saw some of the new shapes Lego was making, I kind of felt like it was cheating. When I was a kid, I didn’t have to walk to school, 37 miles, barefoot, through the snow, uphill, both ways, as the joke goes (or did, before it was beaten to death, but that’s…