Eric Swalwell, Busted

Sortor was on Tim Pool’s show last night talking about this.

This is maybe the largest unforced error we’ve seen so far from Swalwell, and he’s had some dillies: Passing gas during a live television appearance. Veiled threats about using nukes against Americans who rebelled against the government. Fabricating evidence in the second Trump impeachment by altering Tweets used as evidence. Not knowing the difference between the cavalry and the Calvary. Sleeping with a known spy for the Chinese government while serving on the House Intelligence Committee, and so forth.

In fact, I’m trying to think of a larger unforced error from any congressperson.

Sure, AOC and Mad Maxine Waters say some extremely foolish things. Dan Crenshaw (who I used to really like) was just caught on a hot mic threatening to kill Tucker Carlson.

These things are bad, but they mostly just affect the people who said the things.

What, exactly, are these abuses of power that Swalwell was talking about? What congresspersons participated in these Capitol Hill orgies?

I kind of really don’t want to know the orgy participants, but their voters should probably know. I’m not even going to say that they should be voted out, if it doesn’t bother their constituents.

However, I will say, “EWW, people! Just, EWW! Bad congresspersons! Shame! Most of you are really non attractive people. Keep your clothes on! People picturing a group of you naked could do some real psychological damage!”

I thought Fetterman was bad for wanting to wear sweats and a hoodie to congress, but y’all have just upped the ante and grossed me right out at the same time.

I’ll never say y’all aren’t good at anything ever again.

I will edit it to “y’all aren’t good at doing anything useful.”

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