I Didn’t Know Kudzu Was Edible and so Versatile

This is my third version of this post and I’m determined to make it the most succinct of the three. Considering the breathtaking scope of the tangents I was embarking upon (or possibly digressing into), that shouldn’t be hard.

What I find compelling about this video is that Kudzu is all over the place. It grows like crazy. Even people who don’t know plants will have potentially heard about how Kudzu grows.

In all that talk, I’d never heard even a whisper of an inkling that it was possible to harvest it for food, that it was safe to do so and had good nutrition content. If you find that sort of thing interesting, you’ll enjoy this. The presentation isn’t super riveting or anything, but it is informative.

I may go look for his video on extracting starch from acorns, but not now, later. It’s 8:30 and I have lollygagged as much as I reasonably can this morning. And by lollygagging, I mean that I got up around 5:30, made coffee for me, made coffee and fetched cookies for dad, gave him his morning medication, fed cats, scooped litterboxes, made breakfast, put the arthritis ointment on dad’s knees, got him clean clothes, checked his health, talked to the plumber, got dressed, reviewed my to-do list for the day, answered some comments on Facebook, considered deleting my Facebook account in the name of efficient use of time, reviewed my schedule for the day and confirmed that everything on it needed to be done all the while getting caught up on current events by playing a random selection of news podcasts in my earbuds. I checked my business website and accounts to see if I had any sales (it’s been slow, post Christmas) and checked my personal website.

Then, I got pulled into this and listened to it for 30 minutes while doing my other stuff, pausing on occasion to look at the screen. It’s that compelling to me.

But! I have time slated, morning, afternoon and evening, to dedicate to writing. So I am am able to justify doing this.

Yes, this is the shortest version of this post so far. I’m not going to call it succinct, I failed in that, but compromises are sometimes necessary.

Shortest will have to do.

Kudzu harvesting!

I accidentally clicked on the tab for the video titled “”Vacuous Son Of A B%*ch” – Gavin Newsom’s Podcast EXPOSED As 2028 Presidential POWER PLAY” and almost posted that instead.


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