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When I hear someone call use the word “fascist” or “Nazi” or something along those lines to describe people like Trump or Musk, I generally give them the benefit of the doubt. Strange, I know, considering the circumstances. I assume that they know that fascism and Nazi-ism are actual ideologies and are not in line with what Trump, or Musk, support.
I figure they’re just using these words as more evocative replacements for terms that, while they’re just as inaccurate, are a little less specific and leave a little more room for argument. Seems kind of silly, though. Why not just say what they dislike about these people rather than use obviously inaccurate terms?
I guess it just doesn’t have the same impact. Saying something like, “I’m not sure I trust this person’s motives in trying to reduce wasteful government spending.” doesn’t have the same kick as, “he’s a threat to our democracy!!!!”
If nothing else, using four exclamation points after a statement as benign as “I’m not sure I trust this person’s motives in trying to reduce wasteful government spending” is probably a bridge too far for anyone.
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