June 01, 2024

Click on the date (either one) to see the entire post.

Everything about this website has been completely wiped out and I’m starting from scratch.

I kind of did this recently, but it was a little half-assed. I saved some old posts to put back up and I used my old logo image, re-created the old topics. And so on and so forth.

This time, it’s all been wiped out. It’s been moved to a new server where I do not have to worry about anyone else’s sites being affected if I make changes on the back end.

Clearly, all the old design elements are gone. I may bring some of these things back as I go, but if I do, it will be because I’ve thought about it and decided that’s what I want to do, not because I happened to have them from before, they looked good and it was easy.

My old logos, for example. I was going to repost them, but I came across a company online that prints company logos onto USB flash drives and will print up a sample for $5. The old logo wouldn’t have translated to such a small medium, so I made a new one, on the spot, on the new graphic design software I started using (switched from Photoshop to Canva) and barely know how to use.

I got the flash drive in the mail a couple of days ago. It looks really good. I don’t know if the logo will stick, but the point about starting over should be pretty clear.

I’ve also got another large project that I’m working on (retails-to-tell.com) in addition to therapy, morning the loss of Erin, taking care of my 85-year-old father, caring for my 10 cats, trying to maintain and restore the 125-year-old farmhouse that’s been in my family for five generations, finishing my cathouse, oh, and keeping body and soul together.

It’s a busy time.

I got my new kitty door installed in my bedroom window to allow the cats to come and go into the catio as they please. There were, of course, complications. The catio only covers half of my window (there are reasons for that, but they’re too complex to easily explain and the payoff isn’t worth it – trust me that it was the best way) but the new kitty door only has a little bit of leeway about where the door is. Since it has to swing out and swing in, it was swinging out right into the end of the catio. I had to remove part of that end, make sort of a box, etc.

I’ll post a picture. That’ll explain it as well as anything.

The windows are old and falling apart. So old, in fact, that the panes of glass are imedded into wood and held in place largely by paint and glue. It gives the windows a dirty look. I’d like to replace them before too much longer.

In the mean time, to help hide the ramshackle appearance, I put some window film (basically a sort of window tint) in the upper part of the window. It definitely helps some. It also has a prismatic effect and creates rainbows around the room, which is nice.

I’ve already gone on longer than I inteded to, and I still need to update the RTT website as well as work on some of the product images, so I’m going to post photos here and take off

But don’t despair, I’ll be back soon. I know I don’t have any regular readers at this time, this is largely for me, but I’m going to start posting on a schedule as though I did have readers. Probably at least every other day, and near the end of the day after I’ve had all day of doing and thinking so I’ve got stuff to post about.

The cat door from the inside,

This is the kitty door. The panel on the right side is the door. The little red knob underneath it is the four-way lock. I can set it to lock the door entirely, or to allow it to open inside only, or open outside only, or open both ways. It’s a pretty clever setup.

Outside panel for the kitty door.

This what I had to attach to the outside to allow the kitty door to swing outwards, but not let the cats go through the window. It used to be a CD box from Sound Warehouse – if that tells you how long it’s been around. A few minor cuts and it adapted to its new job.

Window film.

This is the decorative window film I was talking about, dressing up my bedroom window and hiding the old, grimey glass.

Rainbows from the window film.

Rainbows made by the window film being projected onto the end of my bed, my comforter and my vintage Star Wars pillow.

voteCrosby.net flash drive.

This is the flash drive I mentioned with the logo I threw together in Canva in about 3 minutes.

The other side of the flash drive.

This is the other side of the flash drive. That’s actually a picture of me, taken when I was about 19. My friend Logan was taking a photography class and he often took pictures of me when he had an assignment because I would do go above and beyond to be a good subject. He wanted an image of someone in mid-air. He was going to come to my parents’ house and take picture of my on the trampoline in the backyard, but he ran out of time. He ended up coming up to the mall where I was working in the stock room of The Limited and got me to come out to the parking lot on a break and jump off the roof of my car. I’m holding my head like that because I was growing dredlocks at the time and had to hold my cap on my head.

As I mentioned above, this is the first content I’ve posted since I moved the site. For some reason when I tried to save this the first time, it added a footer with a bunch of stuff unrelated to me. When I went to delete the footer, it deleted my post.

I don’t know how to use WordPress. I’ve always just written code when I wanted to build something on the web.

If I save this and it adds the footer again, I’ll probably just leave it. I don’t want to lose the post again and I don’t feel like figuring out why it’s adding the footer. Not right now anyway.

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